Few people think that these devices using high-tech components, also evolved over time. And because of particular interest is the recently published material, which clearly presents the stages of "modernization" skimmers, up to the latest developments of modern criminal craftsmen.

In essence, skimming is a method of stealing certain information necessary for the transaction from your bank account in order to steal money. To put it simply, an ATM to withdraw money from the account of your bank card fraudsters need to know your PIN-code and read data from the magnetic stripe. And for this purpose, a variety of device structures and operating principles - skimmers. Skimmers are manufactured so as to be as inconspicuous as possible for users of the machine. Often, they imitate the some interface element or appearance. It is very difficult not only detection of skimmers, but also capture the intruders themselves. And for the past 12 years has undergone serious skimmers metamorphosis. At least judging by the samples that were detected during this period. 2002-2007 In December 2002, CBS reported the discovery of previously unseen device that could "store names, account numbers and other identifying information to the magnetic stripe bank cards, with the possibility of downloading to the computer. "The personal computer! At that time, even the lawyers felt that the skimmers were fantastic. When the prosecutor Howard Weiss, specializing in fraud, he became the victim of skimming, he was shocked by the fact that technology has reached such a level. Of course, a complete disregard for the facts did not last long. In 2003, buyers who use ATMs in a New York deli, the day lost a total of about 200 000 $. Subsequently, the network began to walk a warning letter: 2008 This year, the police in Naples (Naples) received a call about a failed attempt to accommodate the skimmer: It's pretty primitive device consisted of a reader, which can be bought quite legally established kartopriёmnika over ATM. And under the plastic visor above the monitor was installed a small camera. 2009 The first generation of skimmers were quite primitive creations. Below is the one of the designs, including a battery, a USB flash drive port and miniUSB. This skimmer discovered one of the readers of the site Consumerist. Vigilant user became suspicious and pulled kartopriёmnik into his hands fell out it. Less than a month later found another skimmer, which did not allow the ATM correctly read cards and included a false mirror, which was built in camera. At that time, scammers key to successful skimming to find a way to get the stolen information from the skimmer: Early models of skimmers sometimes forced ATMs work properly. But soon the attackers have learned to successfully parasitize them. 2010Many years skimmers used cameras to steal PIN-codes. But they were not so easy to seamlessly place at the ATM. The result was a false keyboard, which recorded the sequence of keystrokes:With the development of technology, fraudsters, it becomes easier to create compact device.Developed and cheaper services outsourcing production. The Internet began selling whole sets for skimming, which could be painted on request in the desired color. Prices start at $ 1500. But this is just a set of initial level. Top devices Care $ 7000-8000: Not all sets were so expensive.Many are ready-to-use modules that are installed on ATMs fraudsters, and after a while they collected the data collected. The main drawback of these devices was the need to return them to pick up the information. Below is the skimmer with the wireless connection capable of transmitting information via cell module. Skimmer itself is very compact, transmits the collected data in encrypted form. Advanced skimmers like this did skimmers work less dangerous, reducing the likelihood of being caught red-handed. 2011 In the end, the producers of ATMs began to do something to counteract skimming. Firstly, began introducing elements of transparent plastic, in particular hemispherical kartopriёmniki. But hackers quickly adapted to this: As you can see, the bases can be noticed only by a small unobtrusive plastic lining. How many of you would have paid attention to it? Soon available 3D-press quality skimmers brought to a new level: Home model of 3D-printers were still little use for these purposes, and parts were ordered on the side of specialized companies. Above is given one of these orders, which the manufacturer refused to comply with caution. 2012 Discovery skimmers became more and more challenging. The following shows an almost perfect device. The only drawback is the small hole on the right, through which a small camera filming keyboard typing PIN-code. In the end skimmers have become so tiny that you can not see them, even if you really try. According to the European Group on ATM security (European ATM Security Team), in July 2012 were found skimmers thickness of a sheet of cardboard. They were placed kartopriёmnika inside and the outside can not see them. Now your cards can scan not only ATMs, but also in mobile terminals. The video shows the device, even printing a bad check: Now any employee can connect with him brought by the device, and at the end of the day to carry out its filled with data from a large number of bank cards. Functionality of these terminals allows even simulate a connection error when the data is read successfully.Complete with them comes and software to decrypt the information from the card, and all data can be downloaded via USB. 2013 Last year, the network of filling stations in Oklahoma Murphy was recorded several cases of skimming when the total was stolen $ 400,000. Fraudsters have used readers in combination with patch keyboards: Interesting in this story is that the skimmers were equipped with Bluetooth-module, and power is obtained directly from the ATMs themselves.In other words, their life was not particularly limited, and direct visit scams to collect data is not required. While one "evolutionary branch" skimmers came to miniaturization, the other followed the path of radical mimicry. The illustration below skimmer is a huge consignment panel display. In the "wild" this pattern was found in Brazil: The device was made of parts to disassemble the laptop. 2014 But this can be attributed more to the curiosity or to the characteristics of the hot Brazilian character. Still compact skimmers are much more likely to go undetected. And just last week was found here is such a skimmer thickness of a credit card: The device requires very little time to setup and teardown in ATM: Fortunately, manufacturers are not sitting idly by, in particular, using the knowledge and experience caught hackers to fight scammers. But they adapt quickly, so that this situation is reminiscent of the struggle of the projectile and armor. And what do we, ordinary users? How to avoid becoming a victim of fraud and save their money?Always. always cover the keyboard while typing PIN-code: in most cases, fraudsters use miniature cameras. And if you use a system Chip-and-pin, the attacker is not so easy to read from her data. And most importantly, if you are anything alarming in the form of ATM, better use another. Try to use only ATMs in banks, it significantly reduces the risk. Oh, and try not to store a lot of money on the "card" account. Source

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